Time and Away

Time has gotten away from me as Fall is quickly slipping into our days. I am diligently trying to rewrite chapters of my book, so it is ready to send off to a few agents who have asked to see pages of it at the Writer’s Conference. I learned so much at this conference at the end of August, that I am now questioning much of what I have written. I am trying to heed Min Jin Lee’s words at the conference and be mindful of how I want the book to read and the length of the book. A part of me would like to send it in as it stands, and the rest of me would like to make changes. All of this takes time. Yet, I feel it is time to send it in and see if it is reader worthy.

August 12, 2019

This is a very exciting month for me! It is my first time blogging and my first time going to a Writer’s Conference in New York City! I can not wait to hear the keynote speakers, especially Min Jin Lee, author of Pachinko. I also signed up for a Pitch Slam Session. It is like speed dating except it is with potential editors and agents. It is going to be hard to pitch one of my books in 90 seconds! The next few days are filled with preparations, packing and practicing my book pitch. I will keep you up to date on how things progress.